This page contains the source code, links, and slides for various workshops, talks, lectures, and presentations I’ve given. Research presentations given at conferences are typically stored in their respective repositories on GitHub; one-off workshops and talks can all be found in a catch-all GitHub repository.
Except where noted, all content is © Andrew Heiss and licensed under Creative Commons.
APIs and web scraping with R
Workshop for SEACEN's September 2022 online course on "Data Analytics for Macroeconomic Surveillance" | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (via Zoom)
Putting everything out there as a researcher
Workshop for EPID 9100 (PhD/MS seminar), Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, University of Georgia | Athens, Georgia
Introduction to the tidyverse + data visualization with ggplot2
Two sessions for SEACEN's November 2021 online course on "Data Analytics for Macroeconomic Surveillance" | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (via Zoom)
Making documents, websites, and dashboards with R
Workshop for the Georgia Policy Labs at the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies | Atlanta, Georgia (via Zoom)
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data with R
Workshop for the Georgia Policy Labs at the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies | Atlanta, Georgia (via Zoom)
Graphic design for public administrators
Workshop for the Georgia Policy Labs at the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies | Atlanta, Georgia (via Zoom)
Universal documents and reproducibility
Workshop for EPID 9100 (PhD/MS seminar), Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, University of Georgia | Athens, Georgia (via Zoom)
What does the internet say about you?
Workshop for the Political Science Graduate Student Association, Department of Political Science, Georgia State University | Atlanta, Georgia (via Zoom)
The US and the 2020 Election
Guest lecture for KIEN 2263 (English Academic and Professional Skills II), Centre for Language & Communication Studies, University of Turku | Turku, Finland (via Zoom)
Universal documents and reproducibility
"Unpacking the Hidden Curriculum": Graduate Student Professionalization Workshop, Department of Political Science, University of Utah | Salt Lake City, Utah (via Zoom)
What does the internet say about you?
"Unpacking the Hidden Curriculum": Graduate Student Professionalization Workshop, Department of Political Science, University of Utah | Salt Lake City, Utah (via Zoom)
Truth, beauty, and data: Why data visualization matters in research
Methods workshop in the Département de science politique, Université de Montréal | Montréal, Canada (via Zoom)
Program evaluation and causal inference with R
Workshop for the Georgia Policy Labs at the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies | Atlanta, Georgia (via Zoom)
Data visualization with R
Workshop for the Georgia Policy Labs at the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies | Atlanta, Georgia (via Zoom)
What does the internet say about you?
Workshop for members of the International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR) | Online workshop via Zoom
Welcome to the tidyverse: Introduction to R and tidy data analysis
Workshop for the Georgia Policy Labs at the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies | Atlanta, Georgia (via Zoom)
Truth, Beauty, and Data
Workshop on data visualization for employees of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints | Salt Lake City, Utah (via Zoom)
Why Donors Donate: Disentangling Organizational and Structural Heuristics for International Philanthropy
2019 Conference for the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) | San Diego, California
NGOs and authoritarianism
Guest lecture for International NGOs (PMAP 8201) | Atlanta, Georgia
Open source resources for teaching data public service-focused data science courses
2019 Conference for the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA) | Los Angeles, California
Data Science, Open Source, and Radical Transparency
Brown bag presentation to PhD students in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies | Atlanta, Georgia
Curiosity, Transparency, and Failure
Guest talk to epidemiology PhD students at the University of Georgia | Athens, Georgia
"Why won't this run again?!": Making R analysis more reproducible
Utah County R Users Group | Provo, Utah
A lightning quick introduction to data visualization
Utah Valley University Department of Biology Seminar | Orem, Utah
Introduction to data visualization with R
Utah R Users Group | Salt Lake City, Utah
Taking Control of Regulations: How International Advocacy NGOs Shape the Regulatory Environments of their Target Countries
Interest Groups, International Organizations, and Global Problem-solving Capacity workshop | Stockholm, Sweden
A lightning quick introduction to data visualization
West Coast Nonprofit Data Conference | Salt Lake City, Utah
Telling Stories with Data
MPP workshop at the Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke University | Durham, North Carolina
Enhancing basic statistical figures: Make pretty pictures like the New York Times
MPP workshop at the Sanford School of Public Policy | Durham, North Carolina
Graphic Design for Non-Designers
MPP workshop at the Sanford School of Public Policy | Durham, North Carolina
A Very Brief Overview of Topics in Data Visualization
MPP workshop at the Sanford School of Public Policy | Durham, North Carolina
Telling Stories with Data
PhD workshop at the Sanford School of Public Policy | Durham, North Carolina
Data Visualization and Exploratory Data Analysis
MPP workshop at the Sanford School of Public Policy | Durham, North Carolina
Practically Perfect Professional Policy Presentations
MPP workshop at the Sanford School of Public Policy | Durham, North Carolina
Data Visualization and Exploratory Data Analysis
MPP workshop at the Sanford School of Public Policy | Durham, North Carolina
Telling Stories with Data
MPP workshop at the Sanford School of Public Policy | Durham, North Carolina
Practically Perfect Professional Policy Presentations
MPP workshop at the Sanford School of Public Policy | Durham, North Carolina